tisdag 15 december 2015

Changing Roles

Today was an exciting day for my fellow artist and I as we got invited to speak to the 2nd year art students as part of their 3D class. This is actually the first time that we have been on the "other side of the classroom" and actually speaking to others about what we do. Apart from presentations as part of our own courses which is far from the same.

We were asked to speak about what problems we have had while working on Tamarrion and why we decided to make the changes that we are working on right now. It was actually a valuable experience for us as it gave us an opportunity to reflect upon our own work and our process and really think about what we do well and where we can improve.

It felt a bit strange being the ones doing the lecture and we were a bit unsure of exactly what to say as this was a whole new situation for us. I do hope that the 2nd years felt like they got something out of it though, I know that it is hard to learn from other's mistakes but at least it can feel better to know that others have been in their shoes and faced the same struggles.

Here is a picture of the new environment that I have been helping out painting textures for, in our next release you will be able to play in it. Sign up at tamarriongame.com for a chance to play it!

Check out the new environment in our devblog tamarriongame.wordpress.com

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