tisdag 25 mars 2014


As mentioned in my last post I finished all the frames for the intro of "Terminal" Friday, and yesterday our Lead Programmer implemented them in our game. They slide in and out frame by frame, ending on a comic book page with them all gathered before perfectly timed with the music switch to the main menu, of wich he was very proud.

Here is how the finished page turned out.

As I have showed previously I first drew all frames in greyscale, apart from the "Fly City" one which was already finished. What I did next was applying colour layers in Photoshop on top of which I experimented with brushes and layers in colour dodge and linear dodge modes to get the vibrant glowing look I was going for. These were used for finishing touches, to draw the eye to the focal points.

I kept the colours rather flat and worked with very few colours, still inspired by Ms Marvel but now taking it in my own direction. I used the same purple for the background on all images, gradually increasing the amount of turquoise representing the night falling and her going further into the building where there is no sunlight. These are the two colours that make up the colour scheme of "Terminal" and I added some touches of an orange yellow, which complements them both nicely, and a redder version of the purple to get some variations to the colours.

I am thinking about wether it might be a good idea to add the logo to the page, but overall I think it turned out well. The ones I feel most happy with are the first one, of "Fly City", and the last one of the interrogation room from a security camera. I think I did really well on the lighting and colouring of the first one and I am really glad that I managed as well as I did on the last one as the prespective gave me quite a challenge, the light, colour and texture also give it a mysterious feeling that I was going for.

We have finished all graphics for "Terminal" now so it is just up to the coders to implement and polish the last few things that are left and we will be ready to show it on the final playtesting session on Friday, our game is very complete and I think we will do well.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Camilla,

    I've been watching you develop this piece - I like your comics style with a bold colour scheme :)

    Just watch out you're breaking one of the fundamental rules of camera work, called the 180 degree rule. It disorients the viewer to flip which side the camera is following the character; check out more about this cinematography technique here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNOT9iHDSXU

    /Nataska (teacher for 3D and animation)

    1. Thank you for your comment, I had thought about how to place her, but I could not figure out exactly what it was that felt off. I think I understand it now and will try to experiment with it to see if I can make it better, thank you for pointing it out! :)
